Have you ever experienced an online meeting or event that did not go that smooth and your energy goes down minute by minute? I’m just joking. Of course, we all experienced that before! This is not because the events are bad, the topics boring or the speakers not great. This is because we need some breaks in between where our brain can rest from all the information.
Do give our brains a little rest so we can make use of fun energizers. Energizers are little games that are fun, easy to explain, and easy to play. They can last from 2 minutes to 15 minutes.
The focus lies on bringing the participants out of the topic and getting after the energizer freshly back into it.During this online workshop, we will get to know a lot of energizers for different settings and also learn something about what they do for a group when to choose which one and how to facilitate one.
It will be very practical! We want you to experience some different energizers so that you are prepared to choose a fitting energizer to various situations.Ready for a fun energizing evening?

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